Apparently I Talked Too Much

Recently, I sent a couple of my students to their first solos. When they landed, one of the first things they mentioned was “it was so quiet” or “i miss your talking”. Another time when my student, S, came back…
Recently, I sent a couple of my students to their first solos. When they landed, one of the first things they mentioned was “it was so quiet” or “i miss your talking”. Another time when my student, S, came back…
Recently most of my flights are circuits (or pattern, for my fellow US readers). A circuit lesson is basically a take off and landing practice. It brings together, in one exercise, what students have learnt so far. Let me describe…
Winter is finally over and here comes spring. This winter is the coldest and longest I’ve ever experienced. This is what I call a “real” Winter. I am glad I survived it as a pilot. Looking back at my previous…
Flying, to me, has always been about pushing the limit within safety considerations. It sounds oxymoronic, I know. Pushing the limit usually involves risk, and risk in aviation can be deadly. A pilot can always play it safe by hiring…
The windsock. My friend at the airport. Working hard with your siblings (other windsocks) dotted around the airport. Rain or shine (or snow), day and night. Updating every second, giving the latest wind information to keep pilots safe. Introducing You…
Recently I sign out one of my student, let’s call him G, to go on a flight. He is currently working towards his Commercial Pilot license and has already done his 300NM cross country flight. G has done quite a…
I have a student, M, who started flight training in October last year. After a couple of lessons, he had to stop training. He did not, however, quit flying. He still wants to get his Private Pilot Licence (PPL) but…
The weather was good and winds weren’t strong. My student (let’s call him J) and I went up for circuits to practice take-offs and landings. We were covering runway change, among other things, to prepare him for his first solo.…
I have been flight instructing for just over 6 months and have more than 100 instructing hours. Even with this much experience, I am still a baby instructor in the world of flight instructing. That being said, I have seen…
This is my first Winter as a flight instructor. So far, I hate it. To give a little back story, I come from a tropical country. Which essentially means it is Summer all year round. The only Winter or snow…